FREE Anti-Bullying Camp at Santa Fe Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy

On Friday, August 24th at 4pm, the Santa Fe Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy will start a 4-week Anti-Bullying Camp. The 4-week course is completely free and will be open to any child in the greater Santa Fe area from 7-years-old and up.

Our Anti-Bullying curriculum is based on tried and true  techniques and strategies. We begin with a solid foundation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu self-defense training, which is designed to protect the child (and the attacker or bully) from injury. The self-confidence instilled by this practical Martial Arts training is one of the most important parts of our program. We then build from this foundation with our “Rules of Engagement”.  This is a step by step guide to dealing with verbal abuse from a bully, which seeks to diffuse the situation before it escalates into violence. These rules include instruction in “verbal Jiu-Jitsu”: techniques that will allow the child to avoid most physical confrontations altogether.

The class will be 1 hour and 30 min and will include games, discussion, technique, and easy-to-learn drills. The first class is Friday, August 24th at 4pm. The program will continue every following Friday for a total of 4 weeks.


Back-to-School Anti-Bullying Camp

Back-to-School Anti-Bullying Camp