Bully Defense Camp featured on Talk 1260 AM Radio

Did you miss Thomas Pless on Talk 1260 AM Radio? Professor Pless, owner of the Santa Fe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy and a thirty-year veteran of martial arts, chatted with talk-show host, Richard Eeds, today. The Bully Defense Camp (starting October 4th) for 5-13 year olds was the topic of interest as Richard asked Pless about his own childhood experiences with bullies.

“A lot of the schools have a zero tolerance policy. I don’t think it’s a terrible policy, but kids aren’t too confident and will take the abuse. They need to know that it’s okay to stand up for themselves.” — Thomas Pless.

The fall Bully Defense Camp takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays in October. Register before September 30th and receive a free uniform, four classes of bully self-defense, and one month of regular martial arts membership, all for just $40.

Where? Santa Fe Fitness & Martial Arts, 2801 Rodeo Road, Suite A6, Santa Fe, NM 87507.

How? Register by calling us at 505.995.0156.

Click here for full radio interview.
