Did you miss Thomas Pless on Talk 1260 AM Radio? Professor Pless, owner of the Santa Fe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy and a thirty-year veteran of martial arts, chatted with talk-show host, Richard Eeds, today. The Bully Defense Camp (starting October 4th) for 5-13 year olds was the topic of interest as Richard asked Pless about his own childhood experiences with bullies.
“A lot of the schools have a zero tolerance policy. I don’t think it’s a terrible policy, but kids aren’t too confident and will take the abuse. They need to know that it’s okay to stand up for themselves.” — Thomas Pless.
The fall Bully Defense Camp takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays in October. Register before September 30th and receive a free uniform, four classes of bully self-defense, and one month of regular martial arts membership, all for just $40.
Where? Santa Fe Fitness & Martial Arts, 2801 Rodeo Road, Suite A6, Santa Fe, NM 87507.
How? Register by calling us at 505.995.0156.
Click here for full radio interview.